NABIC’s generous contribution to Prayers Connect

NABIC’s generous contribution to Prayers Connect

The North American Bangladeshi Islamic Community (NABIC), a US non-profit organization, has announced a donation of $15,000 to Prayers Connect. Prayers Connect is building a global community platform. In addition to the financial support, NABIC will also promote Prayers Connect through its various programs and initiatives. This partnership will allow Prayers Connect to develop tools…

5 lodash functions to write clean code

5 lodash functions to write clean code

Lodash is one of the most downloaded node packages in the npm library. Basically, it is a utility library for JavaScript programming language. It facilitates JS’s functional programming with more than 200 functions which makes the workflow easier to work with arrays, objects, strings, numbers, etc. Here I have mentioned 5 of them, which I…


Hey Zaky, look! We’re in Australia!

Assalamualaikum Australia! We are ecstatic to announce that our services are now available in Australia. The Muslims in Australia can discover mosques, prayer times & iqamah times in all the Australian cities. Alhamdulillah! Mosque officials can become admins on Prayers Connect’s Mosque Management System (MMS). Using MMS, admins can edit various info including photos, iqamah…

Prayers Connect - London

Prayers Connect is in United Kingdom (U.K.)

Alhamdulillah! There is very exciting news from our team. After months of preparations, actually traveling to London, data mining & curation, updating our core system, etc. we’ve successfully added the United Kingdom to our supported countries list. What’s available: Examples: What’s next:Our team is currently working on supporting Australia. We’ll announce it very soon, in-sha-Allah!


Hello Canada!

Today is a major milestone for Prayers Connect. Since our journey began in 2016, today is the day when we extend our services outside of the United States. As a part of our international expansion, we set our first “foot” in Canada, alhamdulillah. What’s available: Mosques Discovery Iqamah Timing Mosque Management System Prayer Times (was…


Salam everyone! We are excited to start this site where we can provide regular communication about the tremendous amount of work our team puts to connect our communities. Please keep an eye on our site as we’ll publish information here from time to time iA.